Master of Magic, The
Herní styl RPG 2D
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1985
Programátor Richard Darling
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Sceneři

Země Hungary

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
4x4 font [128 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 7.4.2018
Bold to be Left [57 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 8.4.2018
Bold to be Left [68 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 26.3.2018
Breakpoint 2008 Invitation C64 Invitation Code 24.2.2008
Cute Overdose C64 Demo Code 30.12.2009
Error 23 90% C64 Demo Code 15.4.2006
Gotcha 45° 2x2 [126 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 28.3.2018
Gotcha 45° [117 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 27.3.2018
Party Groove C64 Demo Code 23.8.2008
Real C64 Demo Code 24.10.2004
Rotated [193 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 26.3.2018
Rushed Orb C64 4K Intro Code 4.4.2010
Trapesoid font [114 bytes] C64 256b Intro Code 24.3.2018
Voxel Shade C64 4K Intro Code 31.3.2002


Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic