Herní styl Maths
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1983
Programátor Bill Dyck
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Intrology
Typ C64 Intro Collection
Vydal 1.12.2004 / Brutal
Program Bleze, Slash, Tch
Hudba Boogaloo, Charles Deenen, Danko, Diflex, Drax, Guy Shavitt, Hayes, JCH, Jeff, Jens Blidon, Jeroen Tel, JO, Johannes Bjerregaard, Laxity, Matt Gray, Metal, Mike, Moon, MSK, Paul Clansey, Red, Reyn Ouwehand, Scorpion, Swallow, The Beasty Boy, Yaemon, Zardax, Zonix
Grafika bizk, Bleze, R.C.S., Slash, Tch
SID(y) <?>, Alien, Another Good, Asbest, Bangkok Knights Loader, Beyond, Can't Stop, Censor Introtune, Chase, Cinema, Cockcrusher - Zoomer, Contex, Dan Dare 3, Digital Madness Intro, Dutch Breeze: The End, Ending, Fire!!!, Horizon Copy-Party, House, Hunter's Moon, Intro 001, Intro Zax, Introzak, Invest (intro), Issue 0, Laxace, Lingo, Llamusic, Nilfisk, Rabbit Song, Return of the Galaxians, Rhaa Lovely II (tune 2), Rubicon, S-Express, Shameless, Short 'n' Sad, Snake Fighter, Sphinx (2), Street Cred Boxing, Strike Force, Strike Force Introtune, Strike Force Remix, Technop, The Magic Writer (tune 06), The Mon Demo 1991, Tongil, Tuned in!, Weird!, Zoom
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
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