Herní styl Logical Game
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1989
Programátor Norman Anhut & Michael S...
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Sceneři

Země United Kingdom

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
Comic Art 12 C64 Graphics Collection Code 5.1996
Comic Art 14 C64 Graphics Collection Code 7.1996
Comic Art 15 C64 Graphics Collection Code 8.1996
Comic Art 16 C64 Graphics Collection Code 1996
Comic Art 17 C64 Graphics Collection Code 1996
Comic Art 18 C64 Graphics Collection Code 1996
Comic Art 19 C64 Graphics Collection Code 12.1996
Comic Art 20 C64 Graphics Collection Code 1.1997
Comic Art 22 C64 Graphics Collection Code 3.1997
Comic Art 23 C64 Graphics Collection Code 4.1997
Fantasy Art 2 C64 Graphics Collection Code 4.1996
Interlace Art 4 C64 Graphics Collection Code 1996
Pork Soda C64 Demo Code 0000-00-00
Pork Soda Preview C64 Demo Code 1996
Rated XXX C64 Graphics Collection Code 5.1996
Star Wars IFLI C64 Graphics Collection Code 1997
X'96 Copy Party C64 Misc. Code 1996

AWOL Preview
Comic Art 11
Men Only #1
Mortal Kombat Preview
Pork Soda
Return of the Jedi Preview
Robocop IFLI III Preview
Space and Beyond
Star Trek Generations
Star Trek Next Generation II Preview
Star Wars IFLI
X-Files Exposed


Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic