Target Command
Herní styl Missile Command
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 9992
Programátor (Unknown)
Grafik (Unknown)


DSPD - Sceneři

Mark Dickenson
Země United States

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
Ani-Color C64 Tool Code 1991
Blitz/Austro Decompiler V3.1 C64 Tool Code 4.11.2012
Blitz/Austro Decompiler V3.2 C64 Tool Code 14.4.2016
deblitz 0.1 Other Platform C64 Tool Code 23.6.2018
Digi-Player V2.0 C64 Tool Code 1989
Digi-Player V3.0 C64 Tool Code 10.1989
Digi-Player V3.1 C64 Tool Code 1990
Digi-Player V3.2 SuperCPU Release Code 9.4.2000
Doc-Viewer 2 C64 Tool Code 1990
Extended Words Creator V2.0 C64 Tool Code 1988
Rockfall! C64 Game Code 1987
Stereo Editor V1.0 C64 Tool Code 1989
Stereo Player V10.0 and V11.0 C64 Tool Code 1.9.1988
Stereo Player V8.0 C64 Tool Code 1987
Stereo Sid-Player V7.0 C64 Tool Code 0000-00-00
StereoPlayer V10.3 C64 Tool Code 1988
StereoPlayer V10.5 C64 Tool Code 14.8.2011
Super Rockfall C64 Game Code 1988
The Blitz!/Austro-Speed Decompiler C64 Tool Code 1991
Word/Enhanced Word File Creator C64 Tool Code 0000-00-00

Název Kategorie Vocogou Datum vydání
Super Rockfall C64 Game Hudba 1988

StereoPlayer V10.5
Super Rockfall


Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic