Escape from Station 13
Herní styl Text only
Multiplayer Bez multiplayeru
Rok vydání 1988
Programátor Cynthia G. Hurley
Grafik (None)


DSPD - Detail rylísu

Název Vortex Crystals [2017 full version]
Typ C64 Game
Vydal 8.9.2017 / The New Dimension
Program Richard
Hudba Richard, Yogibear
Grafika Alf Yngve
SID(y) Real Distraction, Vortex Crystals 2017
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Hardcode and datamining by PCH of UNREAL, Hardware guru by RAY of UNREAL, Bugs report by SILLICON of UNREAL
UNREAL 2014-2021 Czech republic